Ok, it’s time for a message. Goodness and Mercy! In 2 Chronicles 32:32, scripture tells us “Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah and his goodness, behold, they are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophet”. Hezekiah was one of the last kings of the Israelites. This scripture comes just before his death. So God is telling us that Hezekiah was a good man and he did some good things – too many to cover here. So the rest of his story, especially his good, can be found in Isaiah and in the book of kings. Now Hezekiah wasn’t perfect – but like all the people that God loves and uses, Hezekiah made some mistakes but he wasn’t a failure. Hezekiah’s goodness was greater than his shortcomings – so God Himself wrote about his goodness. So what about you and I? If we knew God was going to write a book about us and share it with everybody, would that change how we live each day? Some of us care about the things of God but not enough to change things about ourselves. Hezekiah was a king but he didn’t live like all the other kings; he changed his life for God daily, so God knew that he cared. Don’t let the book about your life be a one paragraph story. Don’t be a believer whose life is full of things only the nonbeliever will give you. The nonbeliever will give you a way out of almost anything but God will be your path to live through anything. If the most prominent thing about you is the same thing that we find in non believers your book will likely be short on goodness long on selfishness. Goodness and mercy will follow those of us who do good and who extend mercy. Now that you know this – what will you do? Live a Delivered Life. Love you.
Category: Uncategorized
I Don’t Understand
Ok, it’s time for a message. I don’t understand. In the book of Ezekiel 37:1-3, scripture tells us the Lord brought Ezekiel out into a valley full of dry bones and asked him “Son of man, can these bones live? So I answered (Ezekiel answered), O Lord God, You know”. We ought to be as wise as Ezekiel in how we handle things we don’t understand. I don’t understand why some people can become sick with a deadly disease and others do not; today I don’t understand why some people catch and die from the COVID-19 virus and others do not; I don’t understand why some people are successful when others seemingly are not; I don’t understand why some people are believers and others are not; I don’t understand why some people can be happy with the same things that make others unhappy. There is a lot that I do not understand, but like Ezekiel, I understand this – I will refrain from finding my own understanding for what I do not know because I could be wrong. I can cause much pain and agony and I can look foolish when I find an answer in me for all that I do not know or understand. Instead, I will hold to the One Who understands everything because I cannot be wrong in that. I may not understand as much as I would like, but I have learned that living with what I do not understand brings me closer to understanding more myself which helps me live a more satisfying life. I don’t fill gaps in understanding with my thoughts ; I fill those gaps with His thoughts. It is in living with what I don’t understand that the seeds of gratefulness are birthed; faith is strengthened; Love is perfected and appreciation for and humility before others is established. If you have an answer for everything you don’t understand, you will become your own God. Do you understand? Live a Delivered Life. Love you.
Where Are You Going?
Ok, it’s time for a message. Where are you going? Scripture tells us in Mark 12:30 that the first and greatest commandment of God is for us to Love The Lord God with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. That is a lot more than just saying, Lord I love You – we are all quick to say that. But He wants us to know it’s serious and we have to be seriously committed to it. Then in the next verse, Mark 12:31 Jesus goes on to say “ And the second, like it, is this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There are no other commandments greater than these”. Now it gets even more serious for us. I won’t ask if you love the Lord; and I won’t ask if you love your neighbors? You know that or He will show you if you do. But I will ask if you love yourself? Because I can see that Jesus wants us to know we may find it easy to get along with Him but it’s gonna take some work to get along with other people – but we have to be up to that just like we get up to loving Him. In Matthew 7:12, Jesus says to us “ Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the law of the prophets”. Listen, whatever way you treat the Lord; whatever way you treat others, you are telling them this is the way you want to be treated. By respecting others you are telling them you want respect to be shown back to you. You cannot just say I will respect you because I want you to respect me. That isn’t enough. You should be careful not to think someone treated you poorly so I am justified in how I treat them back. Doing this will make people feel justified in how they treat you. It is not I will do it if they do it; it is I do it because it is what causes others to do it back to me. Jesus is trying to tell us we cannot be like everybody else and still Love Him. However little or however much we love others, this is how much we love ourselves. We have to go first and treat people right and we have to go last and keep treating people right and there is nothing in between that should stop us. We are not being told we can treat people according to the way they treat us; satan’s children think that way. People take a broad path to try and get to a great place in life but it doesn’t work like that – you have to accept that with Jesus, He makes a way for us to get to the place He has chosen for us, right in the middle of the broad path most people are taking to their destruction. You know if you love the Lord and You know if you love yourself and You know how you want to be treated by others simply by looking at the way you are with others. If you believe you love yourself it will be seen in the lives of others. So where are you headed? Live a Delivered Life. Love you.
Follow His Heart
Ok, it’s time for a message. When following our hearts leads us away from His heart. Sometimes we grow impatient with the Lord, especially when it seems He isn’t giving us what we want when we want it and in the way we want it. Then because we know Him, we take pressing our matters into our own hands and we do things our own way – we save ourselves. King Saul did this on many occasions. On one such occasion Samuel speaks to Saul in 1 Samuel 13:14 and tells him “You have done foolishly. You have not kept the commandment of the Lord your God, which He commanded you….. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart”. Saul’s acts of obedience were actually disobedient acts because Saul sought what he wanted more than what God wanted. God rejected Saul that day and informed him that He sought a man who would seek His heart not just His blessings. Many of us would say our hearts are to follow the Lord but that is not the same as seeking after the Lord’s own heart. When we follow Him, we may never be changed; but we seek to have His heart because we want to be changed from who we are to Who He wants us to be. When we follow Him, we may decide to follow our own desires when things get tough; but we seek after His heart because we want to embrace tough things in a way that is going to please Him more than to relieve us. When we follow Him, the persons who follow are still more visible than the persons He wants us to be; and when we follow, we want others to see the character and integrity of how we see ourselves and the righteousness in the things we do; But when we seek after Him , He shows others how He favors the small humble persons we are, who are not perfect in any way except we are steadfast in our pursuit to catch His heart and to reveal the character and integrity of His work in our lives. When we believe we are following Him, we can leave a trail of foolishness around us because we foolishly anoint our desires and come to believe they are what He wants for us; But when we seek after His heart, He turns our same foolishness and mistakes into favor and a deeper identity found in Him. Are you following your heart or seeking His heart? Do you lift up your enemy or do you exact revenge on him. Look around you at the foolish things you are doing in the name of following Him and you will find your answer. Love a Delivered Life. Love you.
What’s Going On?
Ok, it’s time for a message. What’s going on? Proverbs 10:12 tells us that “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sin”. We live in a world today where we have in some ways legitimized hatred because of hatred. When hatred is alive nothing is ever dead. Hatred won’t allow things to die. Hatred will seek to punish what should be forgiven. God may sometimes become angry towards us but He is never mean towards us. Today it is the social norm for us to uncover more than we cover. We want to stir up old stuff that has already died. You see, hatred tells us that we do not have to live in peace with anything that was hurtful in our past. So hate stirs up strife in our lives and we then stir up strife in the lives of those around us. But Love! Love says to us, stuff is going to happen to us; we are going to do some stuff; and we are gonna know about some stuff. Stuff is what should remind us to be grateful and understanding and to appreciate that sometimes it’s the stuff that happens to us that makes us better; and it’s the stuff that we do that we hate that makes us better than that; and it’s the stuff that God keeps from ever happening to us that makes us our best. Love doesn’t say stuff is ok; Love says let stuff die and bury it so that the best you can live with your old stuff right where you are. If it happened five minutes ago it is old stuff. Get hatred out of your life. Let it die and cover it with love and let the best you live. Live a Delivered Life. Love you
Listen Up!
Ok, it’s time for a message. Listen Up! Scripture in 1 Samuel 3:10 tells us this – “Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, Samuel Samuel! And Samuel answered, speak for Your servant hears”. The Lord was trying to get Samuel’s attention. Sometimes we can be so busy talking that we cannot hear what is being said. It is a good thing that we have only one mouth and two ears. Perhaps the Lord wanted us to know the importance we should place on listening and on hearing. The answers to our prayers come in hearing; healing comes in hearing; faith comes in hearing; restoration comes in hearing; life abundantly comes to those who hear more and speak less. The Lord looks to raise up faithful people among us who will live and do according to His heart and His mind. Our part in all this is to shut up and to listen up. Not our wills but His will be done. Too often though we live as though we will tell the Lord how to be a good God to us. We think we help the Lord see more clearly, the more we talk about the things going on around us, about what people are doing to us and about how bad other people really are. I have learned the Lord sees as much of me as He sees of the things around me. So I shut my mouth and listen for what I can learn from Him. He comes; He stands and He calls to us all just as He did with Samuel. Do I give Him my attention? With my mouth all I really do is to call attention to the problem I believe you are and with my mouth I actually reveal the problem I am. But with a listening life and a quiet tongue, I call attention to the work God has done to perfect His heart and His mind in me. Listen up and speak less. Live a Delivered Life. Love you
Silver and Gold
Ok, it’s time for a message. Silver and Gold. In the Book of Acts, scripture tells us of a lame man who daily asked people for money as they entered the temple. And on one such day he happened to ask for money from the disciples, Peter and John. Expecting to receive something from them, scripture in Acts 3:6-8 says Peter responded to the man this way saying “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk”. We are living in a world and in a time where many of us want things to be made right for us or for someone we know or for people we believe are being hurt or persecuted or enslaved or wronged in some systemic ways. We want justice; we want what’s right; we want redemption; we want the rule of law to be held up against those who have brought or are bringing or will bring us pain or hurt or or harm or dishonor in any way. We will go to the courts to ask for this; we will go to the authorities to request for this; we will go to public opinion and the court of ridicule and scorn and condemnation to demand this of people we don’t even know and even in some cases of people who love us. Unfortunately for us, the world becomes our temple and it will be happy to listen to our cases and to help us put our cases and our voices on the world’s Facebook for everyone like us to know, so that we can get what we want even if we must shame and condemn others to get it. Seeing that those who hurt us are brought to justice is the silver and gold we request. But when we get that type justice, do we have really what we should have? I don’t know about you, but as for me, I know I could not stand before the world’s Facebook judgment and live. Who I was in times past is not who I am today. My past is not clean enough for me to have to live it daily before you and everyone else; if I had to live daily making right all my wrongdoings against you and everyone else, I would die not from what I had done but from trying to atone for what I had done. So that reminds me to never live or to judge or to give in to the way the world has made it right for me to live. Silver and gold I do not have nor do I want. But I have Jesus. And now I try to live like Him snd to forgive like Him and to give like Him and love like Him. I don’t need people who hurt me or are mean to me or are spiteful toward me to have to live trying to make things right with me. I use the hard things of my past – things I have done and things I have had done to me – to make me a better person today. I don’t want to be buried by my past nor do I want to bury others in their past. I want to help others learn from and to rise up and be better. I don’t want the pain of my past to cause pain in the present for me or anyone else. I would rather have Jesus and give others a life devoted to Jesus too. Live a Delivered Life. Love you
Remember Me
Ok, it’s time for a message. Lord, remember me. I have often wondered if things will be the same for everyone who gets to heaven. Two criminals were crucified with Jesus, one on His right hand and the other on His left hand. Scripture, in the Book of Luke, chapter 23:39-43 gives an account of their conversation with Jesus as they were all hanging on a cross that day. It says one of the criminals blasphemed Jesus saying “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” But the other, responding to him , rebuked him saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we deserve it, but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom”. And Jesus said to him, “assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise”. I don’t know if this gives me a clear answer to my question about how things will be in heaven, but one thing is clear. It won’t matter what it’s like if I don’t get there in the first place. When we come to know the Lord, He changes our hearts such that He can change our ways. And He changes our ways so we can be open to a change of heart. It is clear to me that I may be a criminal here on earth but I have to change that lifestyle if I want to get to heaven; there are no criminals there. I don’t believe we will have Believing racists in heaven nor do I believe we will have Believing haters of believing racists in heaven. There will be no loving adulterers there nor will there be any Believers who made there way in because they are haters of adulterers. There will be no lovers of murders in heaven nor will there be those who hate murderers there. I could go on with this list for it has no end. So I will end with this. Life with the Lord is really simple. Don’t allow a judging, hating, condemning spirit keep you from heaven. If you rightly condemn the person who has wronged you – what do you have? It is nothing that is valued in heaven. But rightly judge how you respond to the times when you are wronged, then you will be demonstrating what it takes and what is likely to be found in heaven. If you don’t have this spirit in you today perhaps you ought to stop and think about on which hand of Jesus you are living – the right or the left. Right could mean the right to eternal life and left could mean left behind. Life is simple – God didn’t make it so difficult that we would get it wrong every day. Do these three things and perhaps when you get to heaven you will find others having lived a lifetime doing the same things: Love God; Love Your families and Love others. Lord remember those who hear this message. Live a Delivered Life. Love you.
Take Off
Ok, it’s time for a message. Take off before you put on. The scripture in Ephesians 4:17-24 says to us “ This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God … and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” Being a believer is much like giving the Holy Spirit the freedom to get to work in us, birthing forth the life God intends for us to be. Our belief allows the seed of that new life to be planted right into our hearts so that His Spirit can help us take off the old person we are and to watch the new person be born. Believing is an event – just as having a baby is an event – but becoming a believer happens over time because it is a Spiritual pregnancy. Many of us remember the time we first believed because it was a joyful unforgettable time. But few of us can remember becoming a believer because that happens in the pregnancy of our new birth and it is a hard process – a process many of us use our old lives to avoid. Everyday the believer becoming a believer should enjoy putting off something old about their lives and bringing forth something new. If you wake up today and you see more of the same person you were yesterday looking back at you, perhaps God is trying to tell you that you didn’t put off enough. Be careful too for the world will tell you if it’s too hard to be a new you where you are, go someplace new and start new. You cannot take an old you to a new place and become a new person. The work of becoming a new person happens in the place where you are now because it is there you can be sure it is the work of the Holy Spirit in you and not the old you simply putting on some old things you haven’t worn before. You should feel like you are in the beginnings of a Spiritual pregnancy where there is a new you trying to be born every day. If your marriage, your work, your children, your hopes, your dreams are not working out like they should – perhaps it’s because you are refusing to put off more of that old unbelieving person you are and refusing to become more of the person God intended you to be. The world will give new things to that old person you are to keep you being that old person; but God makes you a new person and in doing so He helps you give old things new meaning in Him. Live a Delivered Life. Love you
Our Champion
Ok, it’s time for a message. Our Champion is a Champion! Recently, I asked my son Jered to put a song that I like on my phone. Well he did that but he also put a song that he likes on my phone as well and he said “you will like this song dad”. The title of the song is “Champion”. Well he was right – I love the song – it is the basis of this note to you. 1 Samuel 17:37 is part of the account of the fight between David and Goliath. Scripture records David saying “ the Lord, Who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” Because of their numbers and the giant size of Goliath, their champion, the Philistine Army had the Israelites afraid to do battle. The Israelites didn’t think they could defeat the champion. But when David showed up at the Israelites camp, he brought their Champion with him – a Champion of Champion – the God of all creation. David reminded the Israelites that Goliath was a champion about to lose to an eternal Champion. Sometimes we face some tough things – things that just seem like we cannot overcome them no matter what we do. It’s at these times we need to remember we have One on our side Who has already conquered everything – we need but to go with Him and He will fight for us. We cannot overcome our challenges when we stand before them in the fear that our strengths are no match for the change needed. Whether it was a lion or a bear or a splinter in your finger, we must always remember the times the Lord came through for us. Only then can we really remember to stop toiling with things we cannot win on our own. Sometimes we can’t change the things we face because we want to be our own champion. Please allow that wisdom to settle in your heart. God is not anxious to fight your Goliath when you want to be crowned the victor. Being a believer means have you a champion – Jesus! Jesus never loses; has never lost; and will never lose. No power is greater than He; no thing can overcome Him. Nothing can stand before Him when we get out of the way and let Him fight for us. Whatever stands before you today that is in opposition to the God of all creation – it cannot stand when you step back and allow your Champion to step forward for you. You have a Champion of Champions Who is undefeated in fighting for you. He will fight and defeat your Goliaths if you allow Him. He is your Champion and you are His! Live a Delivered Life. Love you!