Ok, it’s time for a message. Our Champion is a Champion! Recently, I asked my son Jered to put a song that I like on my phone. Well he did that but he also put a song that he likes on my phone as well and he said “you will like this song dad”. The title of the song is “Champion”. Well he was right – I love the song – it is the basis of this note to you. 1 Samuel 17:37 is part of the account of the fight between David and Goliath. Scripture records David saying “ the Lord, Who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” Because of their numbers and the giant size of Goliath, their champion, the Philistine Army had the Israelites afraid to do battle. The Israelites didn’t think they could defeat the champion. But when David showed up at the Israelites camp, he brought their Champion with him – a Champion of Champion – the God of all creation. David reminded the Israelites that Goliath was a champion about to lose to an eternal Champion. Sometimes we face some tough things – things that just seem like we cannot overcome them no matter what we do. It’s at these times we need to remember we have One on our side Who has already conquered everything – we need but to go with Him and He will fight for us. We cannot overcome our challenges when we stand before them in the fear that our strengths are no match for the change needed. Whether it was a lion or a bear or a splinter in your finger, we must always remember the times the Lord came through for us. Only then can we really remember to stop toiling with things we cannot win on our own. Sometimes we can’t change the things we face because we want to be our own champion. Please allow that wisdom to settle in your heart. God is not anxious to fight your Goliath when you want to be crowned the victor. Being a believer means have you a champion – Jesus! Jesus never loses; has never lost; and will never lose. No power is greater than He; no thing can overcome Him. Nothing can stand before Him when we get out of the way and let Him fight for us. Whatever stands before you today that is in opposition to the God of all creation – it cannot stand when you step back and allow your Champion to step forward for you. You have a Champion of Champions Who is undefeated in fighting for you. He will fight and defeat your Goliaths if you allow Him. He is your Champion and you are His! Live a Delivered Life. Love you!