Ok, it’s time for a message. Listen Up! Scripture in 1 Samuel 3:10 tells us this – “Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, Samuel Samuel! And Samuel answered, speak for Your servant hears”. The Lord was trying to get Samuel’s attention. Sometimes we can be so busy talking that we cannot hear what is being said. It is a good thing that we have only one mouth and two ears. Perhaps the Lord wanted us to know the importance we should place on listening and on hearing. The answers to our prayers come in hearing; healing comes in hearing; faith comes in hearing; restoration comes in hearing; life abundantly comes to those who hear more and speak less. The Lord looks to raise up faithful people among us who will live and do according to His heart and His mind. Our part in all this is to shut up and to listen up. Not our wills but His will be done. Too often though we live as though we will tell the Lord how to be a good God to us. We think we help the Lord see more clearly, the more we talk about the things going on around us, about what people are doing to us and about how bad other people really are. I have learned the Lord sees as much of me as He sees of the things around me. So I shut my mouth and listen for what I can learn from Him. He comes; He stands and He calls to us all just as He did with Samuel. Do I give Him my attention? With my mouth all I really do is to call attention to the problem I believe you are and with my mouth I actually reveal the problem I am. But with a listening life and a quiet tongue, I call attention to the work God has done to perfect His heart and His mind in me. Listen up and speak less. Live a Delivered Life. Love you