Ok, it’s time for a message. Peace in the storms of life. I was once a very fickle person; changing my mind often. I cared only for what cared for me; I loved only what loved me and worse, I judged most things to be unworthy of my best cause I thought my best was deserved by only the best. I was like many people whose natures is to run away from our storms and to the safety of the shelters we built for ourselves.
Then some years ago I saw in scripture just how fickle this was of me. The book of Isaiah 38:17-19 says, “Indeed it was for my own peace that I had great bitterness; You have lovingly delivered my soul from the pit of corruption … For you have cast all my sins behind Your back”. This is what I learned. Challenging stuff is part of learning how to live a challenging Life for the Lord. His way with us is to strengthen us to live boldly for Him in many of the things we try to run from. Great peace happens in the middle of the pits of our struggles; great love happens in the middle of the sense of being unloved. And stability and faithfulness and truth and mercy and justice and all that is great of the Lord happens in lives where He can manifest those things to people and in places where they seem to be missing.
I learned that running from my situations didn’t change me. Instead it often weakened me because I was emboldened to remain as I was when I ran. I wanted what I needed which meant I didn’t want what the Lord wanted in the storms I faced. The only things that change things is to learn to live faithfully and dependently and to lovingly right where you are. We must learn to allow the Lord to turn our fickleness into a picture of faithfulness for Him. The praise of a person on the run is not the same as the praise of one who lives strong and steadfast right in the middle of the storms of life. Live a Delivered Life. Love you.