Ok, it’s time for a message. Lord, remember me. I have often wondered if things will be the same for everyone who gets to heaven. Two criminals were crucified with Jesus, one on His right hand and the other on His left hand. Scripture, in the Book of Luke, chapter 23:39-43 gives an account of their conversation with Jesus as they were all hanging on a cross that day. It says one of the criminals blasphemed Jesus saying “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” But the other, responding to him , rebuked him saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we deserve it, but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom”. And Jesus said to him, “assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise”. I don’t know if this gives me a clear answer to my question about how things will be in heaven, but one thing is clear. It won’t matter what it’s like if I don’t get there in the first place. When we come to know the Lord, He changes our hearts such that He can change our ways. And He changes our ways so we can be open to a change of heart. It is clear to me that I may be a criminal here on earth but I have to change that lifestyle if I want to get to heaven; there are no criminals there. I don’t believe we will have Believing racists in heaven nor do I believe we will have Believing haters of believing racists in heaven. There will be no loving adulterers there nor will there be any Believers who made there way in because they are haters of adulterers. There will be no lovers of murders in heaven nor will there be those who hate murderers there. I could go on with this list for it has no end. So I will end with this. Life with the Lord is really simple. Don’t allow a judging, hating, condemning spirit keep you from heaven. If you rightly condemn the person who has wronged you – what do you have? It is nothing that is valued in heaven. But rightly judge how you respond to the times when you are wronged, then you will be demonstrating what it takes and what is likely to be found in heaven. If you don’t have this spirit in you today perhaps you ought to stop and think about on which hand of Jesus you are living – the right or the left. Right could mean the right to eternal life and left could mean left behind. Life is simple – God didn’t make it so difficult that we would get it wrong every day. Do these three things and perhaps when you get to heaven you will find others having lived a lifetime doing the same things: Love God; Love Your families and Love others. Lord remember those who hear this message. Live a Delivered Life. Love you.