
Where Is He?

Ok, it’s time for a message.   “He is Risen – But where is He”.  Luke 24:6 says “He is not here, but is risen”!  Today is Easter, the day we acknowledge Christ rising from death and the grave.  He is not in a tomb any longer.  He is not a dead man walking about; He is alive but where is He now?  Everybody back at that time wondered where He was.  The believers wondered about the victory they thought they had but was now lost; and the unbelievers wondered about the victory they had but was seemingly lost.  Today, many of us who want to believe are looking for Him and many of us who want to remain nonbelievers are trying to keep Him from being found.  Well to find Him, you must stop looking for a dead Man; you have to stop looking for a body.  Dead men don’t live.  The Living lives among the living.  He lives so that you can trade in your life of simple existence for life  eternal.  When you do this, He can be found living right in your heart.  If to us Easter is how we acknowledge what Christ means to us; to Him, Easter is His way of reminding us we can have life today and we can have it in abundance.  He rose to find a place in your Heart to Live.  You ought to be the evidence to the non believer that He is risen and alive!  Stop looking  for Him as if you are a non believer.  Believe, and let Him find you and  He will rise up to life in your heart.  Then you will have an eternal victory.  Let Him have that Joy with you.  Live a Delivered Life.  Love you