
Lips That Cannot Stop Moving

Ok, it’s time for a message.  Lips that cannot stop moving.  “The Lord said; for as much as this people draw near Me with their mouths, and with their lips they do honor Me, but they have removed their heart far from Me” (Isaiah 29:13).  The more we talk, the less we listen.  The less we listen, the more we become our own counsel.  The more we counsel ourselves, the less counsel we receive from God.  And with all this, we ultimately grow to follow what is in our hearts – hearts that now have been counseled more by ourselves and by the world and less by God.  We remove our hearts from God when we come to feel like we know how to live our own lives and to solve our own problems.  With our lips we may still say “I prayed and the Lord told me this or this”.  But in reality when our hearts are removed from Him, we pray and we tell Him what we want Him to say to us.  We do not listen to Him or for Him because we have closed our hearts to hearing Him.

A heart that listens to God will not listen to counsel from anywhere else. Don’t be as those who pay lip service to God with lips that cannot stop moving.  God is a discerner of the heart of man.  It is really important to understand how easy it is to talk too much and so to get your counsel from yourself or from others but not from God.  God wants to speak to you about your situation; He doesn’t want you speaking to Him about what man has said about people like you who have your situation.  Man’s idea of what is fair for you and right for you and appropriate for you is not the same as God’s.  Man cannot get close to God by what he says or by his own standards of righteousness.  In fact the empty heartless words of mouth are a deception; man may deceive man but he can never deceive God.  When our hearts are removed and set on the things we believe we want and ought to have, we would rather talk about knowing God because we do not want to hear Him speak.  We do not want to hear Him speak because we do not want to hear Him tell us to do something different from what we want.  The more we talk then the less we can hear God talk because our minds keep our hearts under control.

Our one desire should be to truly honor God in all things.  This must start in our hearts because God speaks to the heart of man and a man hears with his heart.  “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness” (Romans 10:10).  We do not then believe with the mind but with the heart.  And if in our hearts we do believe God, then His righteousness will be manifested in the way we live.  Pray that God would make your heart a home for Christ His Son and you will be led to say less and to live more.  Fill up your heart with the life of Christ and He will cause what you do say with your mouth to be a reflection of the fact that He is enjoying the day living in your heart.

Live A Delivered Life.  Love you.