Ok, it’s time for a message. Choose ways that pleases Him! Scripture says in Isaiah 55:8 says “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord”. Sometimes the circumstances of our lives can become so boisterous, that we take our eyes off faithfully living God’s way and start thinking and living in our own way. When it seems like we are drowning in a sea of bad luck and no luck, we turn to our own thoughts and ways to save ourselves – to turn our lifelong misfortunes into prosperities. The man who has no seed or the woman who is barren may say “look at me, I am half a person”. But the Lord says to both, “live faithfully anyway and keep My Love before you. Choose what pleases Me and keep My ways. And I will give to each of you what you cannot get for yourselves in a house I have prepared for you.” The Lord will fix their problem when they learn to fix their thoughts and their actions. Sometimes it’s hard to remember how to swim when it seems you are drowning in a sea of mess someone else has caused. This is exactly the time when we must not think to fix the people who are causing our problems more than we remember how the Lord has taught us to swim. I learned long ago that if I want to be loved in life, I needed to work on making myself a lovable person – someone that even my enemies would stop and treat in better ways. You may be barren now, but when you think on your circumstances the way the Lord thinks about them you may find a house full of children; a job in the highest place; love like you can’t imagine; respect reserved for a king; all this and more than you can imagine, in your life right now and today, right under your nose. Focus on what the Lord has taught you to be and to do; don’t worry too much about the noise of your circumstances. Flap the wings of your faith and you will fly high, right in the middle of the stuff that doesn’t seem like it will ever change. Stop trying to bring rain when there is a drought or to stop the rain when there is a flood – you cannot control the weather. Remember your umbrella of faith and live justly right where you are. Live a Delivered Life. Love You.